Wedding: Tracy and Rob

Thanks Theresa for introducing your friend Tracy and Rob to me. The wedding day is unique and beautiful: a wedding on the boat in Oakland.

How lucky we are: It was cloudy and cold in the morning time when I got to the hotel for photoshooting the Bridal dressing part, but it cleared up when they came out of the hotel. That really cheered people up.

Look at the beautiful wedding gown:

All the girls are in red, the color stands for happiness:

It’s my first time shooting a Cantonese style wedding, here are the games that were played on the groom when groom came to pick up the bride:

Hong Bao:

“Not Enough, Not Enough!” “come on, No Hong Bao, No Bride.” “more, more and more”. Girls are demanding, you know what I mean”

Tracy, what’s in your mind at that moment? excited? I can tell

Finally, the groom got bridemades’ Permission to come in

Your girls are really helpful that day:

Time to go now:

“Here we are”

The moment:

New Mr. and Mrs

All the cute girls:

Beautiful day:


Dinner time:

Congratulations: Tracy & Rob

Hello Friends

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