An unforgettable WPPI 2012 | in Chinese Language



WPPI ( )是全球最大的职业摄影师和摄影爱好者的年会。 每年在2-3月份在Las Vegas的MGM会展中心举行。今年吸引了来自全世界17.000的摄影师和爱好者前来上课学习,交流参观。很高兴也遇到很多来自亚洲的摄影师,香港, 马来西亚,菲律宾,新加坡。

1。 Plus Class
今年的WPPI从2月16日开始,前两天是为期2天的Plus Class. Plus Class每个班的人数不得超过30人,这是今年开设Plus Class的讲师:

Plus Class是我最喜欢的,不仅仅有大师的讲课,而且还有模特,老师会带着我们实地拍摄,演示给我们看他们怎么和模特沟通,怎么找光线,怎么拍摄,甚至手把手指导怎么设置相机的参数。
Bambi Centrell: 教会了我们如何去发现每一个新娘的美丽,优雅.
Yervant: 教会了我后期处理是照片不可缺少的一部分
Jerry Ghionis: 教会了我如何把照片变的glamous, sexy
David A Williams & Storey Wilkins: 教会了我们如何去把握每个有意义的瞬间. Their images are classic and timeless
Cliff Mautner: 一个如此down to earth的大师,his work touches my heart and soul, 教我们如何用光,all is about lighting.

2. 16×20 Print Competition 和 Album Competition
WPPI 的16×20 print competition是人像和婚礼摄影界竞争最激烈也最精彩的比赛。比赛在18,19日两天现场评分。比赛共分4大类。每个类别在一个单独的评审会场同时举行。每个评审会场有5个评委和一个Chairman. 每挂出一张照片,5个评委会同时给分数,最后的平均分为最后得分。所有的参赛者都可以坐在评委后面观看整个比赛的过程。
这是我们第一次参加比赛。去年我默默的坐在后面,听评委讲评每一张作品该如何改进。今年我们认真地挑选了50张作品参赛。第一天的评审,几乎让我们心灰意冷,50%的作品都不到80分。但当我们开始看到别的参赛者那么多有创意又amazing的作品时。我们不再沮丧了,而是really got inspired and know where to improve.
当周一比赛结果展出在展览厅时,我们又吓了一跳,没想到一共竟然又24张入选了。是今年所有参赛者入选最多数量的 (哈哈,必须坦白一下,我们仅仅是数量多而已,和其它优秀的作品比起来,我们自己也知道需要进步的地方太多了)

3 Platform Class
WPPI的Platform Class从周日开始,到周四结束,任何一个购买了Full registration的人都可以听任何一堂课。每天从早上8点开始,到晚上8点结束,每2小时一节课。大的教室一间可容纳500人。同一时间有5-6个不同的课分别在不同的教室。这是今年platform的讲师名单


4. Tradeshow展会
展会也是每年吸引人的地方。我通常用中午吃饭的时间去逛一下展会。主要是去拿每家供应商的coupon.比如photo lab, album company。 今年在Canon的展台玩了一下Canon 1DX,对焦是真的很快。85 1.2可以很神准地在暗部迅速对焦,让我很惊讶。高ISO从银幕上看也有不少的进步,让我充满了期待。

5. 每天晚上的party
在Vegas,当然少不了party. WPPI每天晚上也都安排了不同的party,让来自世界各国的摄影师也能相互认识。每年的WPPI我们都能认识很多朋友。这让我们感到,这个摄影界, 除了竞争,还是有朋友的。

6. Award Ceremony 颁奖典礼

来Vegas之前,我们重来都没有想过获奖。因为一直都觉得那是很遥远的事。因为我去年看过获奖的Print. 知道那需要多好。我们选了50张参赛,目标是80分。因为想给自己去年一年的工作做个总结,听听这些评委们会怎样来评价这50张照片。但当看到有24张照片展出后,心情反而有些不淡定了。坐在下面,心理有些许的期望,“说不定wedding photojournalism or Non-wedding photojournalism能有个第三名, 因为那两个类别里有两张照片拿里黑带(超过85分可以拿黑带)”。结果却又一次又一次失望。到最后一个类别,婚礼类别,我们心理又已经不抱希望了,因为这是竞争最激烈的类别。确没想到主持人说: the second place goes to Julia Dong, Julia当时傻在那儿,我说,好像要站起来,向观众致敬。Julia才站了起来。没想到她刚坐下,主持人说:the first place goes to Danny Dong. 当时头脑一片空白,要上台领奖,只知道走路的脚直颤抖。抱了抱Kevin, Tony,就想走,结果kevin还说你得说点什么。也不记得说了什么,记得当时谢了所有老师,谢了我美丽的领导,一回到座位上,就泪如雨下了。这一切太折腾太不可思意了。



This year’s WPPI trip was like a dream to us. We came back last Thursday night and still can’t believe what happened. What happened in Vegas, left in Vegas. But this time, the memories and friendship may last forever to us.

We didn’t expect that we can win an award for this trip. We spent a whole month and prepared 50 prints for this year’s print competition. It’s a summary of our 2011’s work and we wanna hear how the judges will comment on them and what’s the area for improvement. For us, it’s like a portfolio review. We sit in the competition room 2 whole days and listening judge’s comments, that’s the best learning experience for us. The 2 day learning experience worth the whole ticket and the whole month time preparing these prints. Thanks David Williams for making the Premiere room judging such a learning class.

The result is really out of expectation:
I received a 1st place award in wedding details category, Julia received a 2nd place award in wedding details category. We have 26 prints received accolade of excellence ( score above 80)

Thanks for all the WPPI class teachers. You guys are awesome. Julia & I were in WPPI for the past 3 years and have attend more than 100 classes in total. That’s the best photography education we have each year.

We really wanna say thanks for the following teachers, because we have been to their 2 day plus classes and more intensive workshops:
Bambi Cantrell: Taught us how to make a portrait have personality.
Yervant: Taught me how to post-process an image step by step and treat every single image as an art
Jerry Ghionis: The 5 days in Portland is a life-changing experience for us
Cliff Mautner: his work touches my heart and soul. He taught us how to see the light.
David Williams & Storey Wilkins: Amazing teachers and their work make us cries. They taught us how to cherish the moments and then catch the photo, take a photo timeless and priceless.

Sincere thanks to all our brides & grooms. Your trust made us to grow and mature as a photographer. We hope we can submit at least one image from every wedding for next year’s competition. We will work harder this year. We love you.

All the photo credits go to Jeffrey, Michelle, Ifong, David, Kevin. Thanks for sending those precious memories to us. As we totally didn’t expect that we can win an award, so we didn’t even bring camera with us that night. But we are so happy to received facebook message from our friends and they shared these unforgettable memories with us.


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