Aloha~~~Back From Hawaii

Aloha~~~ We are back from Hawaii. Not until the airplane landed in San Francisco, did we realize that we are not in Hawaii any more. The 8 day vocation comes to an end. 4 days in big island and 4 days in Maui are just like a dream. We enjoyed so much and we have so much to say and so many stories to tell.

First of all, We are really sorry that I won’t be able to respond to email inquiries in time. During this week, I got tons of wedding inquiries and I am really sorry that I am not able to respond in time. Julia and I enjoyed the vocation too much and decided not to check our emails and forgot everything but the vocation, so have to say sorry now.

This trip to Hawaii is amazing. I am going to wrote the blog of the trip in the following days, but let’s first look at some photos we did for Leo & Er under water. Yes, it’s under water in the beautiful big island.

Leo & Er, the above shots are just some randomly picked by me for you to preview. I am sure you can’t wait to see all of them, I just mailed out the DVD, and hopefully it can reach you by Wednesday. There are lots of cute photos of you too and I love them very much.

We also had lots of cute photos of ourselves, let’s show off 3 of them. I need some time to process more:

Julia’s lovely and colorful orange dress looks amazing underwater:

My self-portrait skill is much better now: Just one hand (Left hand) hold the camera, aim at ourselves, press the shutter, here you go:

More stories and photos will be loaded in the following days. I need to take a nap now, jet-lag:-(


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